I'm going to make this initial post short and sweat to introduce myself and why this website exists. This website is here for you to see the what, where, how, when and why these games are being made, and for me to explain the process I've gone through to get here.
For that last 7 years, I've been learning, developing and experimenting with how to make games. I started, like most newly proclaimed developers do, with YouTube videos and video playlists. I've taken several free courses on Epic's Unreal Engine as well as paid courses on the Udemy website.
This is only a hobby at this point, as I have a full-time job that is completely unrelated to computers, software, or games. I manage to get about 2-3 hours per day during the workweek and anywhere from 5-16 hours a day on the weekend depending on what other activities are planned and what the weather allows.
Currently the focus is 100% on developing my initial idea for a game which is Cold War: 19D. I have started and restarted this project more times than I care to admit. Each time with the thought, "This is it. This is the one." lol! However, a couple months ago I was looking for a specific way I had begun developing an inventory system from scratch and came across a version I had been working on. Opened it up, hit play, and almost instantly, I thought why did I stop working on this version. It was impressive and shocked me at what I was capable of doing. That is where I'm currently at.
I've come to realize that you can't jump on the next best thing, or the latest and greatest offerings from the game engine developers. When I started 7 years ago, Epic was on Unreal Engine (UE) 4.8. Each time a new version was released I would update. Then came UE5! The hype was incredible, and for good reason. I hopped on that wagon too, and stayed there for about a year. Eventually though, I reverted back to UE 4.27. I don't think at this point in my ability as a game developer, that I can take advantage of what UE5 has to offer. UE4 does all I need for what I want to complete my first game.
So, for now, I'll leave it here. The plan is to post weekly from here on out with the game progress. If interest is high, I will expand upon on the struggles I've encountered in my game development journey.
Until next time...